Either way, it's pretty small, pretty out of the way, and pretty rural I'd imagine. Which is great, since I won't get bashed in by all the big city folk and really get a feel for what it's like to live away from a large city.
This page has a larger map of Sugito and it does indeed look like an eagle. It also seems to contain such things as five elementary schools, a long distance relay race convention, and the suki-suki Sugito 36 parking....... it's at the very south, if you're looking for a place to... umm..... park....
Also, visit Sugito's own website. There's an English version of it that contains....... well..... a page on its history and a page on...... garbage collection?? At least the garbage page is "new". Not to mention a misspelling of the town name (Sugio Wings).
Hey, if I'm gonna teach English, I should be particular about these things, right?? Right........