Wednesday, 11 April 2007


I think some people have been wondering where Sugito is..... Or maybe nobody's wondering, but here's a map anyway!

This is Japan. There's a tiny, slightly darker green prefecture which is Saitama. Within that tiny prefecture is an even tinier town known as Sugito, where I'll be staying. Tokyo's pretty much one prefecture to the south west, so it's not really that far. (Note- the northern island [Hokkaido] looks to me like a fish that's spitting...... at America.... hmm.....)

Sugito, as you can see, is shoved way to the east of Saitama. It's supposed to look like an eagle, but from this picture, it looks more like a caricature of a ghost.

Either way, it's pretty small, pretty out of the way, and pretty rural I'd imagine. Which is great, since I won't get bashed in by all the big city folk and really get a feel for what it's like to live away from a large city.

This page has a larger map of Sugito and it does indeed look like an eagle. It also seems to contain such things as five elementary schools, a long distance relay race convention, and the suki-suki Sugito 36 parking....... it's at the very south, if you're looking for a place to... umm..... park....

Also, visit Sugito's own website. There's an English version of it that contains....... well..... a page on its history and a page on...... garbage collection?? At least the garbage page is "new". Not to mention a misspelling of the town name (Sugio Wings).

Hey, if I'm gonna teach English, I should be particular about these things, right?? Right........