What is a "cultural festival"?? Well, in the case of the school anyway, it's more like a school fair. All the homerooms and almost all of the clubs prepared displays or decorated their rooms or was doing stuff like selling food on the day of the festival. There were dance shows, band shows, a karate demo, a taiko drumming demo, and lots of other great stuff.
I spent most of the day working the English Conversation Club room, mainly because I've started to help run the club. And it's exactly as it sounds, a club where all the students meet once a week and we chat in English, usually over a game of cards or some improv games I teach them.
I didn't, however, take part in the Karate Club's demo, partly because I didn't have any time to prep anything with Richard nor am I really "in" the club, although I do train with them once or twice a week. That would be Richard on the far right in the picture below.
So most of the week was just preparing for that and, now that it's over, I'm on a very very rare 4-day holiday (most schools don't even have this "Fall Break", just Seiritsu). And I'm just relaxing heh...........
But make sure you check the Seiritsu homepage every so often, as more pictures of the event will come up. Til then......