The 9 students that came are part of the school's "Japan Experience! 2008" program, which is a two week home stay with a schedule packed with lots of sight seeing and chances to try various Japanese cultural activies. This past week we've done stuff like make chirashi sushi, karate, and shodo (Japanese calligraphy) as well as go to places like Asakusa, the Tokyo city hall (which has a 50F observation deck), and, in the picture on the right, the Studio Ghibli Museum, known for My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, and Princess Mononoke, to name a few.
The students are from all over the world (Hong Kong, Canada, Malaysia, and Germany) and they're all really good kids, which certainly helps keep the work load manageable. But it still took time to manage small things, like making sure they got home to their home stay, so it was always pretty late by the time I got home.
Luckily, however, I've just moved from a 1hr train ride from work to a place that's a 15min train ride from work. My roommates are really cool although two of them will be changing at the end of the month. Either way, I'll be kind of living out of a suitcase for the next weeks since it makes no sense to unpack and repack for Canada.
In the meantime, check the Seiritsu International Department blog for more pics of what the program has been about. Click on "NEWS" in the top left, then "August 2008" or "July 2008". I've been updating it daily so there's lots of pictures! =)
Wow, I was really amazed that you have time to write such a good description of the summer school international students, amist of the moving!! Your are amazing! I took a quick look at the Seiritsu International Education blog site, I was impressed with all the fun these kids were having. I envy them, as they are so lucky to have these kinds of experiences, which we could only dream when we were young.
Looking forward to hear more stories from you first hand when you are home. Take care
Thanks...... it's not that big of a deal to write the posts, since I use the time the students study Japanese to upload all the pics and put the post up.
Though sometimes it can get a bit rushed and I have to edit it over and over to get all the mistakes out haha......
The booth looks too small for our fellow Totoro...
Maybe, but he fits in there quite well actually =)......
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