Monday, 8 February 2010

Your Japanese word of the week is...

"yokoso" ようこそ which means "Welcome!".  I figured I'll talk about something other than my pracitcum, since I have another 10 weeks to do that in.

So, in other news, there's this little sporting event called the "Olympics" happening in Vancouver.  Regardless of the controversy, it's close enough that beyond how one personally feels about it, we should at least make an effort to host our guests properly.  It's like having an unwanted houseguest over; you should be mature and polite enough to make do for the duration.

I haven't really decided how I feel about it all.  A part of me agrees that the money could've been better spent elsewhere and a lot of the inconveniences really are....  well.....  inconvenient.  But the other side of me thinks it's exciting that Vancouver can take centre stage as well as being around during the buzz of the Olympic events.

The torch is currently circulating the city and apparently it's quite a sight to behold.  And I've seen some members of the Dutch Olympic team at a shopping mall...  exciting....  =P

In case you don't know what I'm talking about, here's the Vancouver you're missing...

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