"hokoku" 報告 which means "report". Although it generally refers to longer "accounts" of an event, I'm using it in reference to the feedback my students gave me about my 10 weeks teaching them. And also because I couldn't find a good translation for "feedback" heh....
Anyways, with practicum officially over (including my stint at Science World), I've been enjoying my time off and I'll be sure to update this weekly again.
But for now, back to what the students wrote about me. I gave them a small form that had 5 statements which they could agree or disagree with and on the back they could write down comments on what I could do to improve as well as what I was doing well. I haven't compiled the comments but here is their "voting", as it were.
Overall, I'd say it's pretty good. Obviously you can't please everyone all the time and I certainly had no qualms about dishing out (appropriate) consequences for certain actions (or non-actions), but it's really not that bad. The last one about making the concepts understandable is the most important to me, and that most of them agree at least somewhat is good to see. The respectfulness is probably second in terms of importance and again, the overall feedback is pretty good though there are places I can work on there and there.
Anyway, not bad for 10 weeks I think....... still room to improve but I have the rest of my life for that. Now the next step is finding a job where I can put these improvements to the test haha....
Oh, and one last thing, seeing that I finished my practicum just in time for a week full of sunshine, I managed get the camera out and take some pics. Although they are, predictably, of cars haha..... and a duck... Enjoy =)
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