Tuesday 24 July 2007

Harro, my name is Rowrance...

At least, that's how Paul's girlfriend spelled it when she texted him. It's pretty funny because everytime I introduce myself, I say "Lawrence". After they blankly stare at me and try a few times, I say it again as "Rorensu" (ローレンス for those of you who read katakana) and they all understand it. I may look slightly Japanese, but with a name rife with W's and L's and R's, it's as foreign as it gets heh. So, all things considering, Rowrance is a rather good stab at it haha..... In case you're wondering, which you probably aren't, "Liang" translates into リアン. Assuming it even shows up as such on your computer heh =P.....

So, since I last posted, I haven't done much. I tried to go training at Richard sensei's dojo at the Seiritsu high school in Akebane, but miscommunication meant it didn't happen, which is bad since it furthered the stereotype that foreigners aren't reliable. But such is life and hopefully there'll be more chances for me to go and prove my worth there.

On monday I went to McDonald's.... which isn't so exciting except for the hilarity of the food sizes. A large drink there is probably the size of a small in Vancouver. A large fries- a Canadian medium. I don't even want to get into how it compares to American supersize. Even the burgers are subtly but noticeably smaller. Just goes to show how much you don't need. Although, I will be honest in saying that in with this heat and this humidity, I certainly wouldn't mind an oversized drink or three.

This morning I resumed training at Arakawa sensei's dojo which was great. Lots of new stuff and all the stuff that I've seen before is being done in way's I never seen. Afterwards, I went with him, another sensei, and Arakawa sensei's son to a nearby ramen shop. $7 for a rather delish bowl of ramen. So take that Kintaro haha......... $2 for 8 gyoza too.......


Unknown said...

kintaro is only $7 for a bowl of ramen. it's only $9 for the bbq pork ramen. Rowrance. i want ramen. you should get the special ramen that they made Naruto, with the lobster and everything.

Lawrence said...

Oh is it?? Hmm.......... well either way.

As for crazy Naruto ramen, none so far. But then again, I've only been to one place haha.......

marikoteachesenglish said...

LOL i love how they're butchered your name. I got a friend name Jerrold and my mom calls him Jello.
I'm glad you're getting the jap down! yay! macdonald's in japan is a joke. it's hilarious and if you read the katakana they've also brutally chopped up the name. Ma ku do na ru do